It seems difficult to continue what I am doing. The world is in an uproar. My emotions are conflicted. The twelfth school shooting since the start of 2018!
Canada, Europe, anywhere else seems a better option. But one gets the harrowing sense that nowhere is really safe.
I heard those ugly words again, poor use of social media, disenfranchised youth holding a grudge, disaffected, racist....the perfect cocktail for a mass murderer. Oh America, you are broken at the seams.
On the homefront, Jamaica is also in a disastrous predicament with crime. The future looks bleak for our graduates.
The world's ecological disaster also looms as we seem to be sinking fast from the melting of ice at the Arctic Circle.
The world's prognosis is dire. But the good news is that we put on the mantle of optimism and press on, despite the bad news. We believe in hope, something good ...the light at the end of the tunnel.
(My apologies to all missed appointments and classes due to my illness.)
March 10. - SAT exam.
May - the next exam. Check website to figure out the deadline for registering,
The GRE students, your registration is do so at your earliest convenience.
GMAT STUDENTS, your registration portal is
Yashika Thakurani -Tufts University
Ashley Jain - Havergal
Victoria Jones - University of Rochester
Jahmani Doyle- Champlain College
Sneha Nair - Penn State/Trinity
Pearce Smith - Illinois Institute of Technology