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The Elite A-Team

Sandra Bramwell

Students contact us along the way of their educational journeys and tell us here at Versan how they are faring. This past week we had two wonderful alum stories. Let us start with Sean-Paul Ashley, recent graduate of Harvard University He received his PhD just last week, celebrating his dissertation with professors who had listened to the presentation of his dissertation. But what was his journey like? When did we meet?

It was at the end of 1st form, Campion. His mother called me and said, despite his winning the coveted top spot for PEP and earning a spot at Campion, young Sean was dissatisfied with school. He wanted a greater challenge. I recommended Boarding school...I prepared him for the SSAT examination. Sean won a scholarship spot at Deerfield Academy where he completed his high school years. Without fail, Sean maintained stellar grades, was challenged academically at Deerfield and earned a spot at Princeton University. His foray into African-American studies engineered a doctoral spot at Harvard University. Upon receiving his approval on his dissertation, I am now informed that he will be a Postdoctoral fellow at Dartmouth University.

What do I remember about Sean? In 1st form and during my SSAT classes, I was astounded that though we shared the same Prep school (Vaz Preparatory), here was a young man who adored reading 2-3 novels per week. He would challenge me on vocabulary, searching for arcane words that no one else in class could muster up for weekly drills. Even when at Princeton, he would call and test my knowledge of words. An insatiable curious mind that has landed him here at this point.

I am proud of my students. I am glad I can share their stories. A motivational force for those who grace our programs.

Next week, I will focus on another alum and his journey to Harvard Law. See you next week!

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