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Standardized Test Prep

Program Description
We offer classes for the CSEC.CAPE. SSAT. SAT. ACT. GMAT. LSAT. MCAT. GRE. Students benefit from our experienced teachers and our intensive preparation methods.
Students nationwide take classes at Versan in preparation for standardized tests. Students are exposed to simulated exam conditions and multiple test-prep resources. We offer classes for the following tests:
Students take classes in Critical Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. English classes focus on vocabulary, sentence structure, comprehension and SAT essay writing. Mathematics classes focus on pre-algebra, algebra, proportion/ratio, geometry and trigonometry.
Students prepare for the boarding school admissions exam through practice in verbal, quantitative, and reading comprehension sections. The course covers SSAT creative story writing, number concepts, algebra, geometry/measurement and data analysis/probability.
Students prepare for the ACT exam, which includes English, Mathematics, Writing and Science sections. Students focus on data/graph analysis, concepts in mathematics, vocabulary, and comprehension. In addition, the course covers the optional Essay Writing section of the exam.
Graduate applicants taking the GRE will focus on Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytical Writing. Students will practice analysis of written documents, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities and analytical writing.
The GMAT has four main divisions: Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative reasoning. Students study the Argument task, data sufficiency questions, problem solving questions, tabular and graphical interpretation, critical reasoning, reading comprehension and sentence correction.
Students taking the LSAT are trained to tackle Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, an Experimental section and a Writing Sample. The course trains students to evaluate arguments, apply logic to complex situations, draw inferences from written passages, and support an argument in writing.